Sunday, July 16, 2006

...... a storm out of the East.

The storm raged out of the East last night , bringing with it gales in gusty squalls, at last the rain. We have had a total of some 85 mm in one nice soaking go, its really been not since freak storms in January we have had any quantity like this. I can almost hear the trees sigh withe relief, and hear the soft gurgle as the water tanks overflow.

The energy it brought with it was very different, even a little unsettling in this area where westerlies contstantly howl and all before it bows to the East in reverence to it. The wind from the east brought also a stranged flattened sea to Marshall Bay, in the lee of the wind and only small wavelets where dancing on the beaches edge in this wavy line ..... Yet another day with the paint brush and tomorrow a rest and chance to really walk the beach and enjoy the stillness and contemplative quiet alone and hear the roar of the big Easterly swell.

......rain fell upon the sea,
like wasted
untasted joy..........
upon the land it was welcomed
quenching deliciously
with earthy jubulilant hands


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