Tuesday, July 11, 2006

Sigríðr Aðalbjörg on the rocks at Killiecrankie Flinders Island windswept
Another day of gale to storm force winds reaching up to 55 knots offshore.. The sea looks so angry with rabbid foam and really fills me with quite an electric energy. Wind is very much part of the soul of these islands everywhere you look everthing is moulded by the wind, and tortured into shape by the pervasive westerlies.
The sea has been in my viens all my life. My father was a Marine Engineer and spent many years plying the waters of the North Atlantic in troop carrying ships at the end of WW 2 and afterwards in various ships such as the Queen Mary and even an old sister ship to the Titanic. Sadly its the asbestos from the engine rooms that killed him some 50 yrs later. I cannot fail to think of Dad when i look at the sea now. He had my sailing before i could walk...
Most of my childhood holidays where spent in our yacht sailing the myriad of islands around the Tasmanian coast. That is where my love of Flinders Island in The Furneaux Group started. Its now a delight to look over Killiecrankie Bay here and think of those childhood memories from 30 years ago. It will be amazing to live here full time soon and something that i wish i could share with my dad.....


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