Wednesday, July 12, 2006

Peter Hannan - My Dad at 35 in Trinidad West Indies
This poem to follow it what i wrote for my father on his death of Asbestosis at home on 10 Jan 2004. This is read out at the funeral. The words today ring so clear and deeply to me. He was a very special man indeed and miss him greatly. I remember so clearly us anchoring in this very bay of here at Killiecrankie on Flinders Island. He would so love the fact that I am living here today and the adventures that I am having in my life. I know for a fact he is here in sprit..... My thoughts are with him today as I walk along the stormy beach.

The Old Man and the Sea
The Very Last Farewell

Time to way anchor for the very last time,
Storm clouds mount over seas of frantic spray and foam.
Deep down below dwell the weedy caverns,
Of Neptune’s home of aqueous blue
Scudding squalls leave the heavens washed out
As rags in weary battleship-greys
No Fair-Weather-Sailor
You’re ready for that final voyage home
All born as islands we must now go on alone,
In life’s sea of storm
Bathing now in your love for her eternal,
As the phosphorescent maelstrom
That sparkles joyous silver upon the inky swell
The albatross
The mariner’s curse
Hangs menacingly in a streaky cirrus sky
Wave upon Wave
Crash upon ancient stones as each abrasive year
That love and the sea run as blood through your veins
I bid you adieu my love,
For the very last farewell

Rhuari Hannan 10 Jan 2004


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