Thursday, July 13, 2006

and the stormy has passed.....

Today was a truly sublime day... The burnt out ends of the storm all but gone... Across the turquoise and azure sea settled a calm, witha gentle lapping of the waves on Marshall Beach. Just a slow mantric rhythm very soothing and belying the vengeance of the storm that had past. This again emphasizes the impermanent nature of all things... how things change so rapildy from one state to the other. As I sat on the deck looking at at this tranquil temperate scene, the radio forecast spoke of predictions of a return to gales and and heavy westerly swells in the coming days, and yet more change...

It was a busy contemplative day, on the end of the paint brush and also thinking of all the incredible events of the past 2 1/2 yrs where I feel I have lived several lifetimes. So many things that define my life have changed, from an existence in a tiny hole-in-the-wall flat in Central London with weekend trips to many exotic Continental destinations, to sitting here now with a wet paintbrush and half a cup of coffee on an very isolated island on the other side of the world gazing upon endless soothing sea. This big change is very much for the better. I can now feel the beginnings of many new adventures but of a very different kind to those of the previous decades. A journey not so much tied up with exotic locations and experiences but more a journey inside the mind in the little island haven in a sea of storm...... Rhuari


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