Tuesday, July 11, 2006

Hello there from remote and wonderful Flinders Island. For those that interested for extensive look at the passions and interest of my life have a look at my webpage http://www.wandering-albatross.com

For my photo gallery in the wonderful group of islands please go to http://www.geocities.com/flinders_island.

I have lived most of my life on the wild island of Tasmania on the edge of the Great Southern Ocean and rim of the Pacific, somewhere just south of Australia and north of the Antarctic. This is my little corner of cyberspace. I have left many times to journey around the world on fascinating voyages of discovery of both the inner self and the wondrous world I live in.

I love a natural earthy life of connectedness, openness, and HONESTY foremost to one's self and then others. I am romantic, with a poetic nature and love of realism. I am deeply passionate, also sensual, demonstrative and creative along with the idiosyncrasies that go with that! My connection with nature means I am a keen botanist, skier, hiker, sailor, traveller, full time nomad, writer (mostly poetry), who also enjoys philosophy, spirituality (Tibetan Buddhism is close to my belief of the nature of the world). Basically I have a real thirst for life and experience. I also love , foreign people from exotic places, open mindedness, sensitivity and intimate communication of substance, being deeply connected with my earthy Capricorn nature. Follow the links on the left or click on the pictures on this page to find out more about the passions of my life. Being true to my nomadic roots I am embarking on a new life and adventure, in my beloved home Tasmania, and will wait and see where life's journey takes me to next........


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