Saturday, July 22, 2006

I watch the tiny cloud....

I woke to day to see the mist curling around the peak of My Killiecrankie... in long lazy swirls pink-red swirls of dawn. The valley below layered in strips of mist giving it a very ethereal quality. I love to watch clouds, the beauty is so transient, forever evolving changing, and as quickly as they are formed they pass on.... to fall as rain, sleet or snow, or peter out into the blue of the heavens... It keeps me forever mindful of changes within my own life, and how the solidarity and permanency is so much of an illusion.

My own life will change again in just 3 days when I leave these wonderful islands in Bass Strait and head back to my own little paradise in the dark cool lush rainforests, lakes and mountains of Western Tasmania. Here in a very different wilderness life will take on a different hue, not only because of the radically different geography flora and fauna, but its a very different community that I live in. Back to old friends and familiarities that have long defined my own identity for me. These things though are never fixed, and must remain fluid to grow. There is a change in the wind, and I am hoping to return to these islands to live full time as soon as conditions will allow later in the year. The change will be good and I can see great new areas of growth for me. My heart will always have a fond home in the mountains of Western Tasmania, that chapter in my life is far from over, but simultaneously a new chapter has opened. There are many new powerful energies in my life and I deliciously wait to see where they will take me. Here are a few words of mine that I feel say it all. Rhuari

I watch the tiny cloud,
take leave of the shrouded summit,
a wispy-white flowing mane,
shedding tears of snow,
in untold joy,
into the shadowed darkness of the vale,
The ultimate state of freedom,
is to transcend from a mere moral state,
of earthly cyclic existence,
like the cloud,
............... break free,
of artificial concepts of ego,
and "What am I",
exist in pure essence of spirit,
to observe as part of the whole,
with a detachment of being everything,
yet being nothing at all ..................


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