Sunday, February 19, 2012

Change has been the hallmark of my life, and I think my greatest "art" and ability has been the skill in which I have been able to adapt to change. My illness MS - teaches me this on a daily basis being predictable as the moody Tasmania weather! I never though a move overseas would be on the card again but isnt it great when life is full of delicious surprises. Life is indeed what you make it. This little poem I think wrings as true today as it did back in 92 when I wrote it. The image is "Gods Rays" over Marshall Bay Flinders Island where I am about to leave from......


It indeed has been 6 yrs since I added to this blog page... Big changes are a muck in my life. These windswept beautiful islands in Bass Strait that have I have called me home on on off for the last 8 years are soon to be no more. I never envisaged such a big change, yet life is so full of suprise and delight! Its a return to another place of childhood (I grew up partially in Invercargill NZ), as I did in Tasmania. Killiecrankie Flinders Island was a place I visited when i was first 12. Here is a photo of my Dad, brother and family friends (I am in the Red Tshirt) on their yacht "Moonbird" This is on that first trip to Killiecrankie in 1974! Seeing my old Friends Miff and John today here in Killiecrankie on their yacht ( I have known since 1981) o just brought so many memories back of what has happened in those 31 yrs! Cheers to 31 more or so.


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